All Enhanced Extended Regular 12 bits 14 bits 16 bits RAM
Features Configuration Bits RAM map SFR map
CONFIG (address:0x2007, mask:0x01FF, default:0x01FF)
FOSC -- Oscillator Selection bits (bitmask:0x0007)
FOSC = LP 0x3FF8 LP oscillator: Low power crystal on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = XT 0x3FF9 XT oscillator: Crystal/resonator on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = HS 0x3FFA HS oscillator: High speed crystal/resonator on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = EC 0x3FFB EC: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, CLKIN on GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = INTRCIO 0x3FFC INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = INTRCCLK 0x3FFD INTOSC oscillator: CLKOUT function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = EXTRCIO 0x3FFE RC oscillator: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, RC on GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
FOSC = EXTRCCLK 0x3FFF RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, RC on GP5/OSC1/CLKIN.
WDTE -- Watchdog Timer Enable bit (bitmask:0x0008)
WDTE = OFF 0x3FF7 WDT disabled.
WDTE = ON 0x3FFF WDT enabled.
PWRTE -- Power-Up Timer Enable bit (bitmask:0x0010)
PWRTE = ON 0x3FEF PWRT enabled.
PWRTE = OFF 0x3FFF PWRT disabled.
MCLRE -- GP3/MCLR pin function select (bitmask:0x0020)
MCLRE = OFF 0x3FDF GP3/MCLR pin function is digital I/O, MCLR internally tied to VDD.
MCLRE = ON 0x3FFF GP3/MCLR pin function is MCLR.
BOREN -- Brown-out Detect Enable bit (bitmask:0x0040)
BOREN = OFF 0x3FBF BOD disabled.
BOREN = ON 0x3FFF BOD enabled.
CP -- Code Protection bit (bitmask:0x0080)
CP = ON 0x3F7F Program Memory code protection is enabled.
CP = OFF 0x3FFF Program Memory code protection is disabled.
CPD -- Data Code Protection bit (bitmask:0x0100)
CPD = ON 0x3EFF Data memory code protection is enabled.
CPD = OFF 0x3FFF Data memory code protection is disabled.

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