All Enhanced Extended Regular 12 bits 14 bits 16 bits RAM
Features Configuration Bits RAM map SFR map
CONFIG1L (address:0x300000, mask:0x5D, default:0x5D)
RETEN -- VREG Sleep Enable bit (bitmask:0x01)
RETEN = ON 0xFE Ultra low-power regulator is Enabled (Controlled by SRETEN bit).
RETEN = OFF 0xFF Ultra low-power regulator is Disabled (Controlled by REGSLP bit).
INTOSCSEL -- LF-INTOSC Low-power Enable bit (bitmask:0x04)
INTOSCSEL = LOW 0xFB LF-INTOSC in Low-power mode during Sleep.
INTOSCSEL = HIGH 0xFF LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep.
SOSCSEL -- SOSC Power Selection and mode Configuration bits (bitmask:0x18)
SOSCSEL = LOW 0xEF Low Power SOSC circuit selected.
SOSCSEL = DIG 0xF7 Digital (SCLKI) mode.
SOSCSEL = HIGH 0xFF High Power SOSC circuit selected.
XINST -- Extended Instruction Set (bitmask:0x40)
XINST = OFF 0xBF Disabled.
XINST = ON 0xFF Enabled.
CONFIG1H (address:0x300001, mask:0xDF, default:0x08)
FOSC -- Oscillator (bitmask:0x0F)
FOSC = LP 0xF0 LP oscillator.
FOSC = XT 0xF1 XT oscillator.
FOSC = HS2 0xF2 HS oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 25 MHz).
FOSC = HS1 0xF3 HS oscillator (Medium power, 4 MHz - 16 MHz).
FOSC = EC3IO 0xF4 EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz).
FOSC = EC3 0xF5 EC oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz).
FOSC = RC 0xF6 External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2.
FOSC = RCIO 0xF7 External RC oscillator.
FOSC = INTIO2 0xF8 Internal RC oscillator.
FOSC = INTIO1 0xF9 Internal RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2.
FOSC = EC2IO 0xFA EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Medium power, 160 kHz - 16 MHz).
FOSC = EC2 0xFB EC oscillator (Medium power, 160 kHz - 16 MHz).
FOSC = EC1IO 0xFC EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Low power, DC - 160 kHz).
FOSC = EC1 0xFD EC oscillator (Low power, DC - 160 kHz).
PLLCFG -- PLL x4 Enable bit (bitmask:0x10)
PLLCFG = OFF 0xEF Disabled.
PLLCFG = ON 0xFF Enabled.
FCMEN -- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (bitmask:0x40)
FCMEN = OFF 0xBF Disabled.
FCMEN = ON 0xFF Enabled.
IESO -- Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode (bitmask:0x80)
IESO = OFF 0x7F Disabled.
IESO = ON 0xFF Enabled.
CONFIG2L (address:0x300002, mask:0x7F, default:0x7F)
PWRTEN -- Power Up Timer (bitmask:0x01)
PWRTEN = ON 0xFE Enabled.
PWRTEN = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
BOREN -- Brown Out Detect (bitmask:0x06)
BOREN = OFF 0xF9 Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled.
BOREN = ON 0xFB Controlled with SBOREN bit.
BOREN = NOSLP 0xFD Enabled while active, disabled in SLEEP, SBOREN disabled.
BOREN = SBORDIS 0xFF Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled.
BORV -- Brown-out Reset Voltage bits (bitmask:0x18)
BORV = 0 0xE7 3.0V.
BORV = 1 0xEF 2.7V.
BORV = 2 0xF7 2.0V.
BORV = 3 0xFF 1.8V.
BORPWR -- BORMV Power level (bitmask:0x60)
BORPWR = LOW 0x9F BORMV set to low power level.
BORPWR = MEDIUM 0xBF BORMV set to medium power level.
BORPWR = HIGH 0xDF BORMV set to high power level.
BORPWR = ZPBORMV 0xFF ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected.
CONFIG2H (address:0x300003, mask:0x7F, default:0x7F)
WDTEN -- Watchdog Timer (bitmask:0x03)
WDTEN = OFF 0xFC WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled.
WDTEN = NOSLP 0xFD WDT enabled only while device is active and disabled in Sleep mode; SWDTEN bit disabled.
WDTEN = ON 0xFE WDT controlled by SWDTEN bit setting.
WDTEN = SWDTDIS 0xFF WDT enabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled.
WDTPS -- Watchdog Postscaler (bitmask:0x7C)
WDTPS = 1 0x83 1:1.
WDTPS = 2 0x87 1:2.
WDTPS = 4 0x8B 1:4.
WDTPS = 8 0x8F 1:8.
WDTPS = 16 0x93 1:16.
WDTPS = 32 0x97 1:32.
WDTPS = 64 0x9B 1:64.
WDTPS = 128 0x9F 1:128.
WDTPS = 256 0xA3 1:256.
WDTPS = 512 0xA7 1:512.
WDTPS = 1024 0xAB 1:1024.
WDTPS = 2048 0xAF 1:2048.
WDTPS = 4096 0xB3 1:4096.
WDTPS = 8192 0xB7 1:8192.
WDTPS = 16384 0xBB 1:16384.
WDTPS = 32768 0xBF 1:32768.
WDTPS = 65536 0xC3 1:65536.
WDTPS = 131072 0xC7 1:131072.
WDTPS = 262144 0xCB 1:262144.
WDTPS = 524288 0xCF 1:524288.
WDTPS = 1048576 0xFF 1:1048576.
CONFIG3H (address:0x300005, mask:0x8F, default:0x8F)
CANMX -- ECAN Mux bit (bitmask:0x01)
CANMX = PORTE 0xFE ECAN TX and RX pins are located on RE5 and RE4, respectively.
CANMX = PORTB 0xFF ECAN TX and RX pins are located on RB2 and RB3, respectively.
T0CKMX -- Timer0 Clock Input Mux bit (bitmask:0x02)
T0CKMX = PORTG 0xFD Timer0 gets its clock input from the RG4/T0CKI pin on 64-pin packages.
T0CKMX = PORTB 0xFF Timer0 gets its clock input from the RB5/T0CKI pin on 64-pin packages.
T3CKMX -- Timer3 Clock Input Mux bit (bitmask:0x04)
T3CKMX = PORTB 0xFB Timer3 gets its clock input from the RB5/T3CKI pin on 64-pin packages.
T3CKMX = PORTG 0xFF Timer3 gets its clock input from the RG2/T3CKI pin on 64-pin packages.
MSSPMSK -- MSSP address masking (bitmask:0x08)
MSSPMSK = MSK5 0xF7 5 bit address masking mode.
MSSPMSK = MSK7 0xFF 7 Bit address masking mode.
MCLRE -- Master Clear Enable (bitmask:0x80)
MCLRE = OFF 0x7F MCLR Disabled, RE3 Enabled.
MCLRE = ON 0xFF MCLR Enabled, RE3 Disabled.
CONFIG4L (address:0x300006, mask:0x11, default:0x11)
STVREN -- Stack Overflow Reset (bitmask:0x01)
STVREN = OFF 0xFE Disabled.
STVREN = ON 0xFF Enabled.
BBSIZ -- Boot Block Size (bitmask:0x10)
BBSIZ = BB1K 0xEF 1K word Boot Block size.
BBSIZ = BB2K 0xFF 2K word Boot Block size.
CONFIG5L (address:0x300008, mask:0x0F, default:0x0F)
CP0 -- Code Protect 00800-03FFF (bitmask:0x01)
CP0 = ON 0xFE Enabled.
CP0 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CP1 -- Code Protect 04000-07FFF (bitmask:0x02)
CP1 = ON 0xFD Enabled.
CP1 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CP2 -- Code Protect 08000-0BFFF (bitmask:0x04)
CP2 = ON 0xFB Enabled.
CP2 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CP3 -- Code Protect 0C000-0FFFF (bitmask:0x08)
CP3 = ON 0xF7 Enabled.
CP3 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CONFIG5H (address:0x300009, mask:0xC0, default:0xC0)
CPB -- Code Protect Boot (bitmask:0x40)
CPB = ON 0xBF Enabled.
CPB = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CPD -- Data EE Read Protect (bitmask:0x80)
CPD = ON 0x7F Enabled.
CPD = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CONFIG6L (address:0x30000A, mask:0x0F, default:0x0F)
WRT0 -- Table Write Protect 00800-03FFF (bitmask:0x01)
WRT0 = ON 0xFE Enabled.
WRT0 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
WRT1 -- Table Write Protect 04000-07FFF (bitmask:0x02)
WRT1 = ON 0xFD Enabled.
WRT1 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
WRT2 -- Table Write Protect 08000-0BFFF (bitmask:0x04)
WRT2 = ON 0xFB Enabled.
WRT2 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
WRT3 -- Table Write Protect 0C000-0FFFF (bitmask:0x08)
WRT3 = ON 0xF7 Enabled.
WRT3 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CONFIG6H (address:0x30000B, mask:0xE0, default:0xE0)
WRTC -- Config. Write Protect (bitmask:0x20)
WRTC = ON 0xDF Enabled.
WRTC = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
WRTB -- Table Write Protect Boot (bitmask:0x40)
WRTB = ON 0xBF Enabled.
WRTB = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
WRTD -- Data EE Write Protect (bitmask:0x80)
WRTD = ON 0x7F Enabled.
WRTD = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CONFIG7L (address:0x30000C, mask:0x0F, default:0x0F)
EBTR0 -- Table Read Protect 00800-03FFF (bitmask:0x01)
EBTR0 = ON 0xFE Enabled.
EBTR0 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
EBTR1 -- Table Read Protect 04000-07FFF (bitmask:0x02)
EBTR1 = ON 0xFD Enabled.
EBTR1 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
EBTR2 -- Table Read Protect 08000-0BFFF (bitmask:0x04)
EBTR2 = ON 0xFB Enabled.
EBTR2 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
EBTR3 -- Table Read Protect 0C000-0FFFF (bitmask:0x08)
EBTR3 = ON 0xF7 Enabled.
EBTR3 = OFF 0xFF Disabled.
CONFIG7H (address:0x30000D, mask:0x40, default:0x40)
EBTRB -- Table Read Protect Boot (bitmask:0x40)
EBTRB = ON 0xBF Enabled.
EBTRB = OFF 0xFF Disabled.

This page generated automatically by the program (2017-05-13 09:29:49 UTC) from the file (rev: 1.36) of mpasmx and from the gputils source package (rev: svn 1308). The mpasmx is included in the MPLAB X.