All Enhanced Extended Regular 12 bits 14 bits 16 bits RAM
Features Configuration Bits RAM map SFR map
CONFIG1L (address:0x007FF8, mask:0xEF, default:0xEF)
WDTEN -- Watchdog Timer Enable bit (bitmask:0x01)
WDTEN = OFF 0x00 WDT disabled (control is placed on SWDTEN bit).
WDTEN = ON 0x01 WDT enabled.
PLLDIV -- PLL Prescaler Selection bits (bitmask:0x0E)
PLLDIV = 12 0x00 Divide by 12 (48 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 10 0x02 Divide by 10 (40 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 6 0x04 Divide by 6 (24 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 5 0x06 Divide by 5 (20 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 4 0x08 Divide by 4 (16 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 3 0x0A Divide by 3 (12 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 2 0x0C Divide by 2 (8 MHz oscillator input).
PLLDIV = 1 0x0E No prescale (4 MHz oscillator input drives PLL directly).
STVREN -- Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable bit (bitmask:0x20)
STVREN = OFF 0x00 Reset on stack overflow/underflow disabled.
STVREN = ON 0x20 Reset on stack overflow/underflow enabled.
XINST -- Extended Instruction Set Enable bit (bitmask:0x40)
XINST = OFF 0x00 Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode).
XINST = ON 0x40 Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode enabled.
DEBUG -- Background Debugger Enable bit (bitmask:0x80)
DEBUG = ON 0x00 Background debugger enabled; RB6 and RB7 are dedicated to In-Circuit Debug.
DEBUG = OFF 0x80 Background debugger disabled; RB6 and RB7 configured as general purpose I/O pins.
CONFIG1H (address:0x007FF9, mask:0x07, default:0x07)
CPUDIV -- CPU System Clock Postscaler (bitmask:0x03)
CPUDIV = OSC4_PLL6 0x00 CPU system clock divide by 6.
CPUDIV = OSC3_PLL3 0x01 CPU system clock divide by 3.
CPUDIV = OSC2_PLL2 0x02 CPU system clock divide by 2.
CPUDIV = OSC1 0x03 No CPU system clock divide.
CP0 -- Code Protection bit (bitmask:0x04)
CP0 = ON 0x00 Program memory is code-protected.
CP0 = OFF 0x04 Program memory is not code-protected.
CONFIG2L (address:0x007FFA, mask:0xC7, default:0xC7)
FOSC -- Oscillator Selection bits (bitmask:0x07)
FOSC = INTOSC 0x00 INTOSC, Port function on RA6 and RA7.
FOSC = INTOSCO 0x01 INTOSC, CLKO on RA6 and Port function on RA7.
FOSC = INTOSCPLL 0x02 INTOSC with PLL enabled, Port function on RA6 and RA7.
FOSC = INTOSCPLLO 0x03 INTOSC with PLL enabled, CLKO on RA6 and Port function on RA7.
FOSC = HS 0x04 HS oscillator, HS used by USB.
FOSC = HSPLL 0x05 HS oscillator, PLL enabled, HSPLL used by USB.
FOSC = EC 0x06 EC Oscillator with CLKO on RA6, EC used by USB.
FOSC = ECPLL 0x07 EC Oscillator with PLL, CLKO on RA6, ECPLL used by USB.
FCMEN -- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit (bitmask:0x40)
FCMEN = OFF 0x00 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled.
FCMEN = ON 0x40 Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled.
IESO -- Two-Speed Start-up (Internal/External Oscillator Switchover) Control bit (bitmask:0x80)
IESO = OFF 0x00 Two-Speed Start-up disabled.
IESO = ON 0x80 Two-Speed Start-up enabled.
CONFIG2H (address:0x007FFB, mask:0x0F, default:0x0F)
WDTPS -- Watchdog Timer Postscaler Select bits (bitmask:0x0F)
WDTPS = 1 0x00 1:1.
WDTPS = 2 0x01 1:2.
WDTPS = 4 0x02 1:4.
WDTPS = 8 0x03 1:8.
WDTPS = 16 0x04 1:16.
WDTPS = 32 0x05 1:32.
WDTPS = 64 0x06 1:64.
WDTPS = 128 0x07 1:128.
WDTPS = 256 0x08 1:256.
WDTPS = 512 0x09 1:512.
WDTPS = 1024 0x0A 1:1024.
WDTPS = 2048 0x0B 1:2048.
WDTPS = 4096 0x0C 1:4096.
WDTPS = 8192 0x0D 1:8192.
WDTPS = 16384 0x0E 1:16384.
WDTPS = 32768 0x0F 1:32768.
CONFIG3L (address:0x007FFC, mask:0xF8, default:0xF8)
EASHFT -- External Address Bus Shift Enable bit (bitmask:0x08)
EASHFT = OFF 0x00 Address shifting disabled, address on external bus reflects the PC value.
EASHFT = ON 0x08 Address shifting enabled, address on external bus is offset to start at 000000h.
MODE -- External Memory Bus Configuration bits (bitmask:0x30)
MODE = XM20 0x00 Extended Microcontroller mode - 20-bit Address mode.
MODE = XM16 0x10 Extended Microcontroller mode - 16-bit Address mode.
MODE = XM12 0x20 Extended Microcontroller mode - 12-bit Address mode.
MODE = MM 0x30 Microcontroller mode - External bus disabled.
BW -- Data Bus Width Select bit (bitmask:0x40)
BW = 8 0x00 8-bit external bus mode.
BW = 16 0x40 16-bit external bus mode.
WAIT -- External Bus Wait Enable bit (bitmask:0x80)
WAIT = ON 0x00 Wait states on the external bus are enabled and selected by MEMCON<5:4>.
WAIT = OFF 0x80 Wait states on the external bus are disabled.
CONFIG3H (address:0x007FFD, mask:0x0F, default:0x0F)
CCP2MX -- ECCP2 MUX bit (bitmask:0x01)
CCP2MX = ALTERNATE 0x00 ECCP2/P2A is multiplexed with RE7 in Microcontroller mode or with RB3 in Extended Microcontroller mode.
CCP2MX = DEFAULT 0x01 ECCP2/P2A is multiplexed with RC1.
ECCPMX -- ECCPx MUX bit (bitmask:0x02)
ECCPMX = ALTERNATE 0x00 ECCP1 outputs (P1B/P1C) are multiplexed with RH7 and RH6; ECCP3 outputs (P3B/P3C) are multiplexed with RH5 and RH4.
ECCPMX = DEFAULT 0x02 ECCP1 outputs (P1B/P1C) are multiplexed with RE6 and RE5; ECCP3 outputs (P3B/P3C) are multiplexed with RE4 and RE3.
PMPMX -- PMP Pin Multiplex bit (bitmask:0x04)
PMPMX = ALTERNATE 0x00 PMP pins placed else where.
PMPMX = DEFAULT 0x04 PMP pins placed on EMB.
MSSPMSK -- MSSP Address Masking Mode Select bit (bitmask:0x08)
MSSPMSK = MSK5 0x00 5-Bit Address Masking mode enable.
MSSPMSK = MSK7 0x08 7-Bit Address Masking mode enable.

This page generated automatically by the program (2017-05-13 09:29:50 UTC) from the file (rev: 1.36) of mpasmx and from the gputils source package (rev: svn 1308). The mpasmx is included in the MPLAB X.